There were a number of functions within the SR-71

There were a number of functions within the SR-71 to reduce their radar signature. Early studies in radar stealth technology appeared to indicate that the shape of a flattened, pointy pages reflect most radars far from where rays are radar. To that end, the radar engineers proposed to add, on the chins and Canting control vertical surfaces inside. The aircraft also radar-absorbent materials have been trained saw tooth of the skin of the aircraft, as cesium-based fuel additives to reduce exhaust plumes visible on the radar.
The overall effectiveness of these projects is still under discussion; Ben Rich team were able to show that the radar was back in effect reduced, but later, Kelly Johnson admitted that the Russian radar technology has been faster than " anti-radar "technology was Lockheed, with the meter. The SR-71 is first year of Port Yaw. Ufimtsev's research innovative ways today, stealth technology, and despite Lockheed's effort, the SR-71 was still slightly on the track by radar and had a huge infrared signature, travel at the speed Mach 3, 2 or more. It was visible on radar air traffic for hundreds of miles, even if it was not their transponder. SR-71S was clearly detected by radar; missiles have often set fire on them. The flight characteristics of SR-71 are almost invulnerable during their lifetime, not one was killed, despite more than 4000 attempts to do so.

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